Performed at Firestone Live with Ginnette Ward and Casey Conroy for the EleMentz Showcase Florida Music Festival 2014: EleMentz @ Firestone Live (Orlando)
What better way to dive head first into songwriting than attending NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International) Spring Training. NSAI: Spring Training 2014 (Nashville)
I played with Cure for Caska for the 37th Maitland Rotary Art Festival: Art Under the Stars 37th Maitland Rotary Art Festival: Art Under The Stars
Played with Cure for Caska at Will's Pub. We were joined by The Passenger and LAVOLA. Will’s Pub (Orlando) 9-21-13
[post_thumbnail] On Tuesday, September 17, I performed with Martin Roberts and Christina Montgomery for a special event for “Yelp Elite”. Great weather and great food at Pammies Sammies. Yelp Elite (Orlando)
Tracked violin at Starlight Studios for Matt Shenk's new album. Session Work: Violin (Starlight Studios) 7-13-13